The Quaker Council for European Affairs has announced that Timmon Wallis will serve as its new Director.

Timmon is a Quaker activist and scholar, with a PhD in Peace Studies, experience in 8 conflict zones and over 35 years experience in senior management and leadership positions with NGOs working for peace and human rights.

In particular, Timmon is a former Executive Director and Sri Lanka Programme Manager for Nonviolent Peaceforce. He is well known for serving as Peace and Disarmament Manager at Quakers in Britain from 2014-2017. Timmon is expected to take up his position in May 2021.

Timmon Wallis said,

“It is an honour and a privilege to be able to serve as the next Director of QCEA. I am excited to be working with such a terrific team of dedicated staff in the Brussels office. I am committed to building on the very impressive work undertaken on behalf of Quakers in Europe by Andrew Lane and his team over the past 7 years”.

“As we continue speaking our Quaker truth to those in positions of power and responsibility in the European institutions, I will ensure that we continue to do so from a place of humility and compassion. It is through constructive dialogue and being always open to the Spirit that we will build a more peaceful, just and sustainable Europe” he continued.

Jeremy Lester, Clerk of QCEA’s Executive Committee and General Assembly said,

“QCEA has established itself as a voice which should be heard in the corridors and meeting rooms where policy is decided. Andrew Lane has been for several years its Director, building up an enthusiastic and professional team. Now as he moves on, I am delighted that we have found Timmon Wallis to serve as his successor.”

“Timmon Wallis has worked all his life with Quaker values, be it at Quaker Peace and Social Witness, advocating in the USA for the abolition of nuclear weapons, or managing an international NGO in Brussels protecting civilians in violent conflicts through nonviolent strategies,” he continued.

“I look forward to Timmon steering QCEA’s programmes as Europe faces the challenges of growing inequality, exclusion, and militarism. He will help QCEA to have its voice heard, encouraging Quaker values to be at the heart of the continent and its future,” Jeremy said.