Meet our team members

QCEA team

Our small team is dedicated to driving systemic change in peace, justice, and equality. Comprised of hardworking, collaborative, and highly-skilled individuals, we are passionate about making a difference.

Xavier Verhaeghe

Xavier Verhaeghe

Office Manager

Dovile Bogusyte

Dovile Bogusyte

Communications Officer

Alice Privey

Alice Privey

Climate Justice &
Peace Coordinator

Saskia Basa

Saskia Basa

Migration &
Peace Coordinator

Laetitia Sedou

Laëtitia Sédou

EU Programme Officer,

Join our team!


QCEA is established as a non-profit association under Belgian Law. Its ultimate decision-making body is the General Assembly, with a smaller Executive Committee empowered to make decisions.

Executive Committee members

Martin Touwen - QCEA Clerk (Chair)
Joëlle Dubois - QCEA Treasurer

Other Executive Committee members include:
Loretta O’Brien, Gerald Turner, Roger Cassidy, John Crosfield, Andreas Schulze, Elizabeth Coling

General Assembly

Members of QCEA

QCEA’s General Assembly is comprised of Quakers from 17 national or European Quaker bodies. You can click on the interactive map to consult each Yearly Meeting. Beyond the countries listed in the map, QCEA's General Assembly also includes Friends World Committee for Consulation – Europe & Middle East Section (FWCC EMES), European and Middle East Young Friends (EMEYF), and support committees in Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands.

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