• Date: 19 February 2025
  • Hours:
  • Place: Quaker House (Square Ambiorix 50, 1000, Brussels)
  • Register HERE

Why Emotions Matter

Awareness & Resilience in International Environments


Emotions have a greater impact on our lives than we might be aware of. They are omnipresent in our private and professional lives, shaping perceptions and affecting our thinking, decision-making, (re)actions, and relationships. To make things even more complex, emotions have been experienced and interpreted differently across generations and cultures. They have shaped social norms, roles, and cultural practices.

In an international and intercultural hub like Brussels, we experience this daily firsthand. Understanding emotional triggers and patterns, as well as increasing our awareness, can help us navigate many of the emotional challenges we face in our private and professional lives. For example, this can be a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication between co-workers or you and your staff/superiors that can lead to emotional frustration and negatively affect working relations. Understanding emotional behavior and patterns can help you to avoid these misunderstandings and prevent them before they arise.

This workshop is designed to address some of the complexities of emotions and how they might affect our perceptions, decision-making, and thinking. Together with Patrick Vandewalle, Coach and Consultant for Emotional Transformation and Leadership and Director of Membership and Benefits at YPFP, we will learn why emotions might matter more than we think!

- What are emotions in an international context, and how do they affect our perceptions and actions?
- How can we increase our emotional awareness and create more resilience?
- How can emotional awareness help us better navigate our international and intercultural work environment?

Practical exercises will allow participants to practice and apply selected tools and techniques that can help increase emotional understanding and awareness

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