Copies of Around Europe between 2005 and 2008 are made available in a series of archive posts, with all the headlines and stories collected into a ZIP file for the entire year, rather than in individual monthly blog posts. We have an extensive archive of paper copies of Around Europe before 2002; please contact us if you wish to request copies of any of these.

2008 – click to download the ZIP file in English or Deutsch

Around Europe 308 – December 2008
Women, prisons and health, assesing the situation in Europe; Drought and economic growth in Syria; Conference on Climate Change; European Parliament Elections.

Around Europe 307 – November 2008
The Energy Challenge and the Quaker Response; Georgia’s Refugees and Why They Can’t Go Home; Serbia’s Painful Transition; Remembering the Future

Around Europe 306 – October 2008
EU Monitoring Mission to Georgia; Disagreement going Nuclear; Croatia’s Forgotten Trauma

Around Europe 305 – September 2008
Still no peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Is Belgium still one country?; The Irish ‘no’ vote – a view from an informed Irish voice

Around Europe 304 – July / August 2008
Europe at a Cross Roads; EU in Action: Uzbekistan; Power to the People: EU Consults Civil Society on Climate Change

Around Europe 303 – June 2008
Mainstreaming conflict prevention; Ban depleted uranium weapons; Greek CO sentenced to prison; and Conscientious objection

Around Europe 302 – May 2008
Signs of Hope from Jerusalem; The Stability Instrument; Neil Endicott Joins QCEA; Geopolitics and Climate Change

Around Europe 301 – April 2008
David Ferrard – Singing For Change; An EU Budget Reflecting EU Priorities; EU Mission in Chad – What Issues Does It Raise?

Around Europe 300 – March 2008
The 300th issue of our publication!

Around Europe 299 – February 2008
Opening up the miracle of the European Parliament; Money, Money, Money; A Big Step Forward; Sara Erlandsson Joins QCEA; Calum Shaw Joins QCEA