Europe and Economic Justice: Guaranteeing a fair share
15th-17th November 2013 in Brussels
What are the causes and consequences of the European economic crisis? What alternatives are there to austerity? How can we, as Quakers, contribute to the building of a just and sustainable economy which meets human needs without destroying the planet?
Trevor Evans is professor of economics at the Berlin School of Economics and a member of the coordinating committee of the European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (EuroMemo Group).
Judith Kirton-Darling is Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation and a member of Brussels Quaker Meeting.
There will be workshops on specific issues such as a European basic income, the role of cooperatives, local currencies, tax justice and ethical investment.
Please come and join us as an interested individual, or as a representative of your Area/Yearly Meeting or worship group.
The conference fee, including meals and accommodation from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon, is €185 or £160 (€170 or £145 for QCEA supporters or associates).
Contact conference [at] for further information and registration or keep up to date via this page ( or Twitter. Last date for registration: 31 July.