Consultation response: bio-based economy
Public consultation on the state of play and future potential of the “bio-based economy for Europe” by means of a vaguely defined term, indicates another Commission attempt to legitimize a concept without being clear on what it is, how realistic the scientific assumptions are, and an over-reliance on the uncritical promotion of technological “fixes”. This […]
Consultation response: EU project bonds
The Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative proposes to provide European Investment Bank support to private sector companies issuing bonds to finance large-scale (transport, energy, ICT) infrastructure projects. In underwriting a significant component of the project financing, this proposal is a blatant attempt to transfer the private sector risk of these projects on to the already […]
Draft Peace Tax Resolution
QCEA presented this draft peace tax resolution to the Council of Europe in May 2011 Read QCEA’s draft Peace Tax Resolution (pdf – 24kb)