How can we hope to contribute to peace outside of ourselves when we are not working on peace within ourselves? How can we advocate for peace and justice without addressing tensions in the workplace? How do we shape fair policies that strike a balance between me, you and us?

If these questions speak to you, this might be just the workshop for you.

As diplomats, peacebuilders and policy-shapers, our contribution to human rights, conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding involves a great deal of working with other people: in and out our organizations or from different countries and cultures. Empathy is a crucial tool to estimate what drives you and what drives the other and establish common ground to work towards a shared purpose. Empathy can help manage difficult conversations, bridge differences and build long-lasting relationships.

Being empathic not only has benefits for those we interact with but also for our own personal development. People who grow in empathy notice that they can communicate their needs more effectively, experience more peace and connection and have more fun in contact with other people!

The Quaker Council for European Affairs and Project Wisdom cordially invite you

to an on-line and in-depth exploration on empathy.

Empathy requires connecting brain with heart, reconciling thinking with feeling and grounding policy into lived experiences. Empathy Skills for Peace and Human Rights Professionals is a series of workshops designed to strengthen empathy skills and highlight the relevance of empathy-led practice in the Peace and Human Rights fields.


The Program:

Session 1: Practical Empathy- 12 November 13.00-15h30 CET.

Session 2: Difficult Conversations -26 November 13.00-15h30 CET.

Session 3: Compassion and Inner space – 10 December 13.00-15h30 CET.

Requirements: a commitment to attend all three sessions. In between the sessions there will be 1 / 2 hours of assignments.

Venue: Zoom. Links will be shared with participants ahead of the sessions.

Costs: Free. Donations are welcome.

Registration: Please complete the form here by Friday 31 October 2020.

Spaces are limited and selected participants will be informed by Wednesday 4 November.

Looking forward to seeing you the 12 November!