The Lisbon Treaty introduces a new form of public participation in European Union policy shaping, the European citizens’ initiative, which enables one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States to call directly on the European Commission to bring forward an initiative of interest to them in an area of EU competence. QCEA welcomes the proposed citizens’ initiative enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty. This is one of the provisions of this Treaty which QCEA has considered an important step in a positive direction ever since it saw the light of day in the Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for the European Union in 2003. QCEA is therefore pleased that this provision from that Draft Treaty was retained in the Lisbon Treaty. QCEA also welcomes the fact that the European Commission is taking early steps to implement this provision and that these steps begin with a public consultation on the modalities for implementation.
Read the European Commission’s Green Paper on a European Citizens’ Initiative (PDF – 63 KB)
Read QCEA’s Green Paper response (PDF – 72 KB)
Results of the Consultation
Follow up to the public consultation on the European Citizens’ Initiative
View all the European Citizen’s Initiative consultation contributions