The EU is also committed to mainstreaming ‘human rights and democratisation into all aspects of EU policy, decision-making and implementation’ii. In its Central Asia Strategy document, the Council asserts that the ‘development and consolidation of stable, just and open societies, adhering to international norms, is essential to bring the partnership between the European Union and Central Asian states to full fruition.’iii The Commission states that the EU is ‘founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms’iv. Policy coherence too is a foundational principle and a legal commitment for the EU. The Commission states that ‘non-development policies should respect development policy objectives’v. However, there are no references to human rights, democratisation or policy coherence in the Strategic Energy Review. This project will explore whether the EU’s approach to energy security is consistent with its approach to human rights, development and conflict prevention.
This briefing paper outlines the logistics and security aspects of the proposed Nabucco and Trans-Sahara Pipelines, and lays out the work that QCEA plans to do on the issue.
Read “EU Security of Supply Project: The Nabucco and Trans-Sahara Gas Pipelines” (PDF – 176 kB)