Briefing Paper 1
The European Union has developed over a number of decades. This development has been characterised by the agreement of a series of Treaties concluded between the Member States. At the point at which a new Member State joined that Member State had to accede to the existing Treaties.
Read “The European Union Treaty History – Context” (PDF – 63 KB)
Briefing Paper 2
This briefing paper is a very short overview of key components of the Constitutional Treaty. It is not intended to be an alternative to studying it in detail. We hope that it will, however, provide an incentive to undertake that study prior to making decisions about how you would vote in any referendum.
Read “Key Components of the European Union Constitutional Treaty” (PDF – 54 KB)
Briefing Paper 3
The Constitutional Treaty was agreed by the Member States on 18 June 2004. It will be signed in the autumn of 2004. After that, the Member States have 2 years to ratify it. It cannot come into force unless all Member States ratify it.
Read “Ratification Process of the European Union Constitutional Treaty” (PDF – 68 KB)
Briefing Paper 4
It would require a very detailed analysis of all the 465 Articles and the several protocols and declarations which form part of this Constitutional Treaty to make a full assessment of all that is good, all that is not so good, and all that is bad in this document. Furthermore, and in order to assess whether it is reasonable to come down in favour or against this document as the current way forward for the EU, it would be necessary to also assess what is new and what is simply re-stating the situation as it is.
We are not attempting to do this here. What we are attempting to do is to pick out a few key issues where we can see positives and negatives which may help to inform debate and, ultimately, decisions about this document.
Read “Pros and Cons of the European Union Constitutional Treaty” (PDF – 84 KB)
Briefing Paper 5
This Briefing Paper provides links to further information on the European Union Constitutional Treaty and general information about the European Union.
Read “Sources of Additional Information on the European Union Constitutional Treaty” (PDF – 38 KB)
Briefing Paper 6
QCEA is not making the process of ratification a major programme area. We are, however, keen to keep informed of what is happening with the process and will continue to cover relevant issues in Around Europe. Please tell us what is happening in your country or region. We would be keen to receive information about the campaigns and the arguments on which they are being fought. We would be delighted to see what press coverage the issue is receiving – at national, regional and local level and whether the press is covering the issues of the Constitutional Treaty or making it a vehicle for other debates.
Read “Action Points for the European Union Constitutional Treaty” (PDF – 46 KB)