It’s our pleasure to be able to share with you the latest edition of Around Europe, the newsletter of the Quaker Council for European Affairs. September marks the rentrée, or the beginning of the political year, in Brussels and Strasbourg, and the last few weeks have been full of activity. Most importantly, the European Parliament has voted to begin so-called “Article 7” proceedings against Hungary, and the controversial negotiations for the EU’s new budget have begun in earnest. This edition tells you more.

Also in this issue:

–QCEA speaks out in favour of migrant rights at a major international conference

–A new paper on the Khartoum Process, and its implications for migration from the Horn of Africa

–Updates on several new publications from QCEA (which you can also find on our website)

–Updates on all of QCEA’s activities, as well as the latest European political news


Click here to read Around Europe issue 378 now